G l o b a l Z R u s h
Mass Digital Activism: Global Awareness using Viral Information
featuring Z Flux Network
Main Pad:
P r o j e c t M a n a g e r s
rodrigopntcardoso@yahoo.com.brs a t o r i
R e s u m e
The listing of structures and contacts, and its exchange between all, from the Member level to the Chapters and the Teams, will lead to an autonomous flux of information, complementary to the formal one, allowing for all individuals to be aware of all the structures and actions in course in the ZM. (Z-Flux Network concept).
The creation of regular periods of contact exchange and awareness spreading, at specific timings and towards specific goals, will motivate the participation of all in a beginning stage. (Z-Rush concept)
The approach of members to the involvement in teams, projects and coordination tasks, in one level, and the extension and ramification of the zeitgeist interest circles, reaching new possible supporters/members, in another level, constitutes the general goal.