304 days
SSH Users
Why do you no longer offer free shells?
I no longer offer free shells because far too many people abused the service. Since asking for a one time fee, I have only had one user that has tried malicious activity. It works out for you too; less downtime and better latency.
Why donate?
If you pay $5, I will give you a shell account. These accounts have resonable space limitations and allow background processes. I will also install just about any package in the Debian repos for you to use.
For some ideas of what you can do with a shell, see:
What does a st0rage.org shell account offer you? Click here.
What happens once I donate?
Log a support ticket HERE (under Help Topic - Create Account) with the Paypal transaction ID and we'll e-mail you once your account is ready.
Your account will be activated in less than a week; usually 24hours.
User Limits
If you are not familar with all these terms, please use google.
Storage: 10G
Background Processes: 150
CPU Time*: 500 minutes
Memory Limit: 1500MB
Max File Size: 1024000k
Nice value**: 5
* This is UNIX specific term; this does not mean you can only stay logged in for 500 minutes or that your programs only run for 500 minutes. This should not interfer with your daily usage; if it does it can be changed on a per-user basis.
** Your processes will have a lower priority than system processes. Users of the trusted group have a better nice value than you. Be cool and you might make it in that group.
Stop by IRC.
Server: irc.st0rage.org
Channel: #unhandledexceptions
SSH Client
Download the Win32 SSH client (putty) here.